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Thursday, July 3, 2014

How to Increase The Engagement of Your Audience (And Make them Trust You)

So you’ve a blog and you want to get more money from it.
You know that the most profitable way to do this is by selling products.
But you also know that you need the trust of your audience.
You want them to trust you. To buy from you because they know that you’ll give them great value.
But how to make your audience trust you?

How to make them be sure that you’ll provide great value for them?
The answer is Engagement.

The Secret Weapon To Build A Blog That Builds Business is engagement, not traffic and all this stuff.

Sure, traffic is essential to get people to your blog. But you don’t need thousands of visitors to build a blog that builds business.
Check out Yaro’s post How Much Traffic Does Your Blog Need To Make $100,000 A Year, to know what I mean.

You’ll be astonished to know that you need 200 visitors a day only. Check it.
After you know that engagement is the secret to building your audience and not traffic, the question now is…

How to increase the Engagement of your audience (And make them trust you)

The answer is very simple.
According to Danny Iny, my mentor and engagement expert, the best model for conceptualizing engagement is by increasing the feeling of commitment through rewards over time.
Simply put, reward your audience for every action they take. Keep doing this and you’ll have an engaged audience.

But how to apply this concept?

It’s very simple.
Ask your readers to take action and reward them for doing so.
Here are examples to help you understand what I mean:
  • Ask them to subscribe to your blog and reward them with a simple ebook or a video.
  • Every time you email them, reward them for opening your email. Give them cookie content as Sonia loves to say. You could give them a simple tip and so on.
  • Ask them to reply to your emails with what they’re struggling with and reward them for spending their time by replying to them and helping them with their struggles.
  • Reward them for checking your post with great tips.
  • Reward them for reaching to the end of your post with a bonus to help them apply what’s included in your post and get results. It could be simple worksheet or actionable step by step guide. You don’t need to go mad on this.
  • Ask them to comment on your blog post and reply back rewarding them for their time.
  • and so on…

Did you get what I mean?

Ask them to take an action, even if it’ll help them, and reward them for doing so, because this will help you build your business at the end.
It’s very simple.
Actually, you do some of these without you know.
Return back and evaluate your strategy and try to include more actions for your readers to take and reward them for doing so.
You’ll be able at the end to get it and build the business you want.
Take action.


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